
【活動】2024年01月05日 參訪中華民國仲裁協會

公告分類 : Activities



參訪中,協會人員首先向老師與學生引薦協會理事長 吳永乾理事長。理事長簡單介紹了協會歷史、功能與運作。接下來,由講者 侯惇議先生以深入淺出的方式,帶領同學了解多年來,協會在臺灣仲裁界所扮演的角色與地位。更以仲裁機構的角度,介紹機制的運行、優點與缺點。



Professor Kao led the students to visit the Arbitration Association of the Republic of China (ROC) to understand the operation and significance of arbitration from the perspective of a professional organization.

The Republic of Chinese Arbitration Association (CAA) was established on September 5, 2005 in Taipei, Taiwan, with the purpose of arbitrating and mediating legally settled disputes. The CAA has been working in Taiwan for many years and has been providing professional services in the fields of public works, foreign-related commercial affairs, and cross-strait economic and trade affairs, etc. In addition, the CAA is committed to promoting a legally effective and convenient "Alternative Dispute Resolution, (ADR)" with the spirit of serving the society.

During the visit, the staff of the Association firstly introduced the Chairman of the Association, Mr. Yong-Qian Wu, to the teachers and students. The Chairman briefly introduced the history, functions and operation of the Association. Next, the speaker, Mr. Dun-Yi Ho led the students to understand the role and status of the Association in the arbitration sector in Taiwan over the years in an in-depth and simple manner. He also introduced the operation, strengths and weaknesses of the mechanism from the perspective of an arbitration organization.

The visit not only provided a better understanding of arbitration from a practical point of view, but also enabled teachers and students to benefit from the presentation and sharing.

