
【研討會】2024年3月25日 政大 WTO MC13談判議題進展與成果研討會

公告分類 : Activities,最新消息

本系高啟中教授帶領同學參加由中華國際經貿研究學會與政大國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心共同舉辦的WTO MC13談判議題進展與成果演討會,期待同學能在此次研討會中,了解國際貿易現況與議題討論重點。



Prof. Kao led students to participate in the WTO MC13 Negotiations Progress and Achievements Seminar co-organized by Chung-Hua International Trade Association and Research Center for International Organization and Trade Law, National Chengchi University, expecting that students could understand the current situation of the international trade and the focus of the issues discussed in this seminar.

The topics of this seminar are rich, ranging from the reform of dispute settlement mechanism, fisheries subsidies agreement, services regulations and investment facilitation agreement, to TRIPS exemptions and post epidemic era, agriculture negotiations, e-commerce and trade and sustainable development, and environmental issues. Students benefited greatly from the professors' sharing and discussions.

