
【活動】2024年4月1日 龍星企業股份有限公司參訪

公告分類 : Activities,最新消息


龍星企業股份有限公司創立於1968年,是臺灣歷史悠久的貿易公司。主要發展文具、玩具、禮品、生活雜貨用品等產品的進出口。除了臺灣的總公司外,更於香港、上海、東莞設立分公司以及工廠,另外在美國也有發展大型物流中心,是版圖相當廣大的貿易公司。龍星公司的客戶遍及五大洲,主要是為來自北美及歐洲的大型百貨公司、超市以及進口商服務。早期的龍星公司致力於進出口業務,但近期因為貿易對手的成長與貿易環境的轉變,龍星企業逐漸從單純的進出口貿易業務,轉為提供客戶全方位的解決方案(Total Solution)。除了協助貨物轉移,也開始提供諸如市場調查、商品設計與生產及物流等服務,是台灣相當厲害且前景輝煌的公司。



Prof. Lin and Prof. Kao led the students to visit Lucky Group in Nangang District, hoping that the students could understand more about the practical work and development of local enterprises in international trade through the enterprise visit.

Founded in 1968, Lucky Group is a long-established trading company in Taiwan. It mainly develops the import and export of stationery, toys, gifts, and grocery products. In addition to the head office in Taiwan, Lucky Group has set up branch offices and factories in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Dongguan, and a large logistics center in the United States, making Lucky Group a trading company with a large territory. Lucky Group's customers span five continents, mainly serving large department stores, supermarkets and importers from North America and Europe. In the early days, Lucky Group specialized in import and export business, but recently, due to the growth of trading partners and changes in the trading environment, Lucky Group has gradually shifted from purely import and export trading business to providing total solution to customers. In addition to assisting in the transfer of goods, the company has also begun to provide services such as market research, product design and production, and logistics, making it a formidable company with a bright future in Taiwan.

This corporate visit not only allowed the students to have a glimpse of the working environment and processes of a trading company, but also to understand the changes in the industrial environment and the importance of "negotiation skills" in the trading market through conversations with corporate executives and employees. 

