
【活動】2024年4月15日 國際講座系列──台灣國際化之路:由WTO到CPTPP

公告分類 : 最新消息,Activities

由高啟中教授邀請中華經濟研究院區域發展研究中心主任 劉大年博士到校演講,分享他在台灣邁向國際化之路上的觀察與經驗。

劉大年博士目前於目前台灣最重要的經濟智庫中華經濟研究院的區域發展研究中心擔任主任。在過去曾參與協助台灣加入世界貿易組織(WTO)、參與 APEC 活動以及台灣雙邊自由貿易協定 FTA 之建構,為政府參與區域經濟整合的重要幕僚。在2014年至2016年,劉大年博士在總統府國家安全會議擔任副秘書長,主要是負責國際經濟及兩岸經貿議題。


Professor Kao invited Dr. Liu, Director of the Center for the Regional Development Study Center of the Chung-Hua Institution For Economic Reseach, to share his observations and experiences on Taiwan's journey towards internationalization.

Dr. Liu is currently the Director of the Regional Development Study Center at the Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research, one of the most important economic think tanks in Taiwan. In the past, Dr. Liu has been involved in assisting Taiwan's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), participation in APEC activities, and the construction of Taiwan's bilateral free trade agreement (FTA), and has been a key staff member of the government's involvement in regional economic integration. From 2014 to 2016, Dr. Liu served as Deputy Secretary of the National Security Council in the Office of the President, where he was responsible for international economic and cross-strait economic and trade issues.

Dr. Liu shared with the students Taiwan's achievements and experiences in international trade negotiations, as well as possible developments and strategies based on his observations. Dr. Liu's rich experience brought the students an excellent presentation. In addition to sharing Taiwan's past negotiation achievements from a professional perspective, he also analyzed the past and recent development of current trade events. It was very fruitful for the students to have a deep understanding of the cruelty and reality of trade negotiations.
