
【活動】2024年4月28日 中華民國對外貿易發展協會參訪

公告分類 : Activities,最新消息



在參觀完後,貿協秘書長 王熙蒙先生為學生帶來精彩的演講。王熙蒙先生在貿易世界耕耘多年,今天以貿易環境的改變與學生分享,在時間與空間的推移下,貿易的變遷與改革。也從地緣政治的角度,與學生分享他的觀察與預言,是令人欽佩的大前輩。



Prof. Lin and Prof. Kao led the students to visit Taiwan's important foreign trade organization, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council. After the visit, students were expected to understand more about the assistance and important role played by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) in Taiwan's external trade.

The recent interior renovation of the TAITRA is expected to bring a new atmosphere to the staff through the innovation of software and hardware, and to enable the staff to work in a more comfortable environment. The renovated TAITRA has changed the boring atmosphere and cluttered space in the past. The renovation utilizes glass partitions to narrow the distance between employees and their supervisors, as well as function rooms and a gymnasium for staff to relax, which is really for the benefit of the employees.

After the visit, Mr. Simon Wang, the President and CEO of TAITRA, gave a wonderful speech to the students. Mr. Simon Wang has been working in the world of trade for many years. Today, he shared with the students the changes in the trade environment and the changes and reforms of trade in the passage of time and space. He also shared with students his observations and predictions from a geopolitical point of view, making him an admirable predecessor.

The visit not only allowed the students to explore the cultivation of Taiwan's trade by the TAITRA, but also to understand the changes in the industrial environment and the uncertainty of the future through the conversation with the seniors, which allowed the students to return home with a great deal of benefit and fulfillment.
