
【活動】2024年4月30日 國際講座系列——解析兩岸ECFA

公告分類 : 最新消息,Activities

由高啟中教授邀請為台灣兩岸事務的政要的 劉德勳教授到校演講,分享他在台灣《海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,ECFA)》談判與簽署一路上的觀察與了解。




Prof. Kao invited Prof. Liu, who is a prominent figure in Taiwan's cross-strait affairs, to give a talk to the university, sharing his observations and understanding of the negotiation and signing of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA).

Prof. Liu is a key figure in Taiwan's cross-strait affairs. In the past, he served as a member of the Fifth Supervisory Committee of the Control Yuan, a special deputy member of the Mainland Affairs Council, and the Acting Chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation. He has played an extremely important role in the promotion of cross-strait affairs in Taiwan. ECFA is a bilateral economic agreement between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, the main purpose of which is to promote the negotiation of future agreements on trade in goods and trade in services, the establishment of a mechanism to safeguard investment, the promotion of economic cooperation, and the early harvest of trade in goods and services, etc. The agreement is based on the principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Based on the basic principles of the World Trade Organization and taking into account the economic conditions of both sides, the two sides will aim to “step by step” to gradually reduce and eliminate trade and investment barriers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, with a view to creating a fair trade and investment environment. Finally, both sides of the Taiwan Strait hope that the signing of ECFA will further enhance the trade and investment relationship between the two sides and establish a win-win, co-prosperous cooperation mechanism.

Prof. Liu shared the “secret” of ECFA with the students. The professor's rich knowledge and experience brought an excellent speech to the students. In addition to sharing Taiwan's past experience at the ECFA negotiation table from a professional point of view, he also analyzed the attitude of the political circle towards ECFA in the past to let the students have a deeper understanding of the situation at the negotiation table even if it is not a good idea to have a good relationship with Taiwan. He also analyzed the attitude of the political circle towards ECFA in the past. He let the students understand that even though there may be a little bit of animosity between the two sides at the negotiation table because of their interests, the friendship between the two sides under the negotiation table can actually be strong and beautiful.
