
【研討會】Navigating the Future: AI in Contracts; Updates, Insights, Real-world Cases

公告分類 : 最新消息,Activities

在微軟的場地,此次關於AI協助合約管理的研討會順利的落幕了。此次研討會獲得各方人士的高度評價與支持,與會者也熱情參與。活動由Contracts 365主導,約88%的註冊受其外展計劃推動,進一步凸顯了其影響力。演講者雖有內容重疊,但共同強調AI在合同管理和企業組織中的關鍵作用。微軟提供的場地以及Microsoft Legal的Vincent出席,有效提升了參與度。討論涵蓋法律、合同管理、銷售運營管理和高管組織等重要主題,凸顯了這些領域的關鍵性。本次活動的成功為未來類似活動的舉辦提供了豐富的經驗和啟示。

The seminar on AI-assisted contract management was successfully concluded at Microsoft's venue. The seminar was highly rated and supported by all parties and was well attended. The event was led by Contracts 365, with around 88% of registrations driven by its outreach program, further underscoring its impact. Speakers overlapped in content but collectively highlighted the critical role of AI in contract management and business organization. The venue provided by Microsoft and the presence of Vincent from Microsoft Legal effectively boosted participation. Discussions covered important topics such as legal, contract management, sales operations management and executive organization, highlighting the critical nature of these areas. The success of this event provides a wealth of experience and inspiration for similar events in the future.
