

公告分類 : Activities,最新消息


英迪格酒店為IHG洲際酒店集團旗下精品酒店品牌,以「Luxury & Lifestyles」為定位。為了帶給每位到訪的旅客賓至如歸的感受與最特別的在地體驗,每間英迪格酒店都以其所在城市的「鄰里文化」為靈感而設計。大直英迪格酒店將大直過去的磚窯文化與基隆河岸的生活為發想,透過建築內外的設計與裝置藝術,讓旅客彷彿看到了過去的吉光片羽。酒店底下的商場「春大直」,以四季之首「春」為名,在此聚集多種美食、飲品,期待帶給訪客極致的生活品質與享受。


Prof. Lin and Prof. Kao led students to visit Hotel Indigo Taipei North in Dazhi, expecting that students could understand more about the environment and construction of hotels in Taiwan through the visit.

Hotel Indigo is a boutique hotel brand under IHG, with “Luxury & Lifestyles” as its positioning. In order to provide each visitor with a home away from home and the most special local experience, each Hotel Indigo is inspired by the “neighborhood culture” of the city in which it is located. The Hotel Indigo Dazhong is inspired by Dazhong's past brick kiln culture and life along the Keelung River, and through the design and installations inside and outside of the building, travelers can feel as if they are seeing a piece of the past. The shopping mall underneath the hotel, Chun Place Dazhi, is named after the first of the four seasons, “Chun,” and gathers a variety of food and beverages in the mall, expecting to bring visitors the ultimate quality of life and enjoyment.

The corporate visit showed the students how much effort companies have to put in to bring visitors the ultimate enjoyment and good experience, and how closely the positioning of a brand is related to the choice of shopping malls.
